GE19241 Data structure programs

    1. 1(a) Stack operation using array
    2. 1(b) Queue operation using array
  1. 2 Operations of list using array
    1. 3(a) Operations of list using linked list
    2. 3(b)Implementation of stack using linked list
    3. 3(c)Implementation of queue using linked list
    1. 4(a)(Application of linked list)Differentiation of given equation using Linked list
    2. 4(b)(Application of stack) Infix to postfix using stack
  2. 5 Implementation and Operations of binary tree
  3. 6 Implementation of binary search tree
  4. 7 Implementation of AVL trees
  5. 8 Implementation of heaps using priority queue
    1. 9(a) Graph traversal BFS
    2. 9(b) Graph traversal DFS
  6. 10 Application of graph - dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
    1. 11(a) Linear search
    2. 11(b) Binary search
    3. 11(c) bubble sort
    4. 11(d) quick sort
    5. 11(e) merge sort
  7. 12 open hashing techniques